Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Felted Fourth

Well, I hope everyone had a nice 4th of July! We didn't go and see any fireworks (I know, we're boring). But I did make the moebius sling bag from "A Second Treasury of Magical Knitting". It worked up really fast, plus I really like how the felting turned out....especially since I'm a felting virgin! I can see why people like felting so much. I'm thinking about making moebius baskets for Christmas gifts this year.....
We spent oodles of $$ this weekend on doors. New screen doors for the breezeway (and hubby already put them in, awesome!), plus a new door for my home office and closet. He said he's going to put the office door in today. Glad I won't be home for all that swearing! The room is pretty much cleared out, next comes ripping out the carpeting and tearing down the walls. Ugh. Can't wait for Friday to get away from all that mess for a few days...we're going to Lake Geneva for a mini-getaway. Fine dining, a massage for me, and the Bristol Renaissance Faire! I may try to sneak in a trip to a LYS, too.


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