Thursday, November 09, 2006

Lots 'o photos

Sir B and I just got back from our anniversary getaway to the Lazy Cloud Bed and Breakfast in Delavan, WI. Here are some photos of the buildings:

Here are the stairs going up to our room (the "Enchanted Treehouse"):

And our room:

You can't see it in the above photo, but just to the right is a double whirlpool. We had a (pretty) nice, relaxing time. It was only (pretty) nice because Sir B's schedule was still off even though he took two extra days off to try to get back on "regular" time, so he ended up napping alot, which left me...just sitting there. Which I could've done at home. Eh.

We've been to the Lazy Cloud three times now: on our wedding night, first, and second anniversaries. Each time we bought the bear that was in our room, and I tied a champagne cork to its neck with the year written on it. Here are the bears:

Aren't they cute?!

Last but not least.....kitty in a box!


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Carol said...

Hi Lori,
I want to thank you for your wonderful pictures of Lazy Cloud. I am so glad you enjoyed your stays with us. That's always great to hear.
I had to do a double take when I seen the picture of your kitty 'cause I have one that looks almost exactly like her.
Come and see us again!!
Carol Tiffany


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