Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Turkey Day

Well, I'm feeling better, just in time for the holiday. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, and have to see an endocrinologist (thank goodness for spell check!). The crappy part is the doctor's office isn't in too much of a hurry to get me in, whilst I want to get in ASAP so I can medicate my anxiety far far away. But being the semi-smart cookie I am, I asked my OBGYN (who did my blood tests) if he could give me something in the meantime. And bless his heart, he gave me some Valium. A Thanksgiving miracle! Mmmmmmmm, Valium.

Yay! My relatives from Green Bay are coming down by us for Thanksgiving, and my little sis Amy is coming too! Can't wait to see them. Hope everyone out there is blessed with family coming together. Family is so important to me, and I love how quickly Brad melded into the weirdness that is my fam!

I'm plodding along on snowflake illusion. Sorry, no pics yet. Everyone help me pray I get my Addis today so I can start on Creatures this weekend! I really really really want to start it...

Have a great Tukey Day, eat lots of good food, and knitknitknit!


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