Sunday, April 01, 2007

Lace woes

I decided to scrap the Mediterranean Lace shawl in the Jaggerspun Zephyr yarn--way too heavy a yarn for that delicate pattern! I will order this yarn as opposed to this yarn because:
1) it will only cost me $50 instead of $120
2) it comes in cones instead of hanks (fewer ends to deal with!)
3) wpi are very very similar (30wpi versus 32wpi). The Zephyr is 22wpi.
4) color! I am leaning towards getting the pink.

I went through my lace books and earmarked patterns for my laceweight yarn stash. I will make the "Half-Square in Trinity Stitch" from Victorian Lace Today (p 126) with my purple/green/white variegated; the "Sampler Shawl-1840 heirloom" from VLT (p 58) with the white Zephyr; and the "Frost Flowers and Leaves" from A Gathering of Lace (p 59) with the fawn laceweight. I'm going to start the sampler now and work on it until I can restart Mediterranean Lace.

It's been a lazy weekend here...errands yesterday, sitting around today. I was going to finish cleaning the downstairs today (read: pack up and get rid of junk that we haven't used since we moved in and vacuum up cobwebs), but I just. don't. feel. like. it. Plus Sir B was supposed to dig up the flowers in the front yard that WON'T DIE and are interfering with our new landscaping, but he has a flare-up of gout and has been hobbling around since Friday, so that's being put off until sometime during the week. I'm surprised ANYTHING gets done around here, we are both such procrastinators!!


At 8:04 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

You know, I think it's the spring weather. I'm currently working on a sweater for my brother's Christmas present, but I've been much more interested in the lace scarves I've also been working on. This is only my second time knitting a lace object, and it's rather addicting. Can't wait to see yours!

Oh, did you know that Verna is going to be retiring? (Verna's Yarn Shop here in Freeport). Everything in her store (needles, books, yarn) is 20% off, and some of it is 50%. Just thought I'd pass along the news, although you probably already know.

Have a great day. This weather is lovely, isn't it?


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