Monday, May 07, 2007

Lots going on!

Phew, I've been busy!
  • Last Friday my friend Catherine and I went to hear a lecture given by the Dalai Lama in Madison, WI. He was a little hard to understand, but it was incredible! He came up on stage and sat on a loveseat, taking off his shoes and getting into the lotus position. He liked to joke around, and his laugh was infectious--he'd laugh and rock back and forth until the whole place was laughing too.
  • Work has been super busy lately, which is wonderful for me. I'm meeting new clients almost every day.
  • I'm almost done with the first of four decrease charts on the shawl. I would like to get back to the baby blanket and finish that up, but I am addicted to this shawl!!
  • I bought my tickets today to see Michael Buble in concert on July 24th in Chicago. I am giddy with anticipation! The last time I saw him in concert was last June, and I could handle seeing him every year, that's for sure. And this year I'm bringing my camera!
  • With our vacation only 6 months away, Brad and I are going to try Weight Watchers again. We both have started working out, and we practically have a full gym at our house now--weight machine, dumbbells, treadmill, "The Bean", and a punching bag!


At 8:14 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

Oooooo Michael Buble! I am so jealouis! He's one of my favorite singers. As a voice teacher, it's difficult for me to find singers that don't annoy me, and well, he DEFINITELY doesn't annoy me!


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