Happy dance!!
I'm getting a new computer! The one I had decided on at CompUSA went on sale...instead of a $50 rebate, it now has a $200 rebate, and I couldn't pass it up! Yay! I should have it by the beginning of next week at the latest.
I really like working on the Sampler Stole, but I need to enlarge the graphs before I do anymore. Sigh, getting older sucks! And I ended up buying the Ice Green cobweb yarn, hopefully it'll be as pale as it is in the photo on their website.
It is snowing (!) here today. Lightly. I don't think any of it will stick, and I bet you I'll still see people out today in shorts!
For all you Rockford-area people, the Yarn Sellar is starting a chapter of Stitch-n-Bitch (I thought clubs weren't allowed to use that name anymore, but I could be wrong) and will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month from 1-3pm. I may try to go to this, since it's on my day off. Dunno yet....
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