Thursday, September 13, 2007

Weigh-In Wednesday

Eh, a day late again with weigh-in, not that it's good news...up again. Don't know if I'm going to have the willpower to get back on track anytime soon. Sir B and I are having some issues that are taking the energy right out of me (except for eating). Rhet mentioned I try Alli, but sadly any diet pill would mess with my thyroid condition, so that's out.

In good news, I am almost done with the shawl! TWO more rows to go! Woohoo!


At 3:28 PM, Blogger Siobhan said...

Came to check out the shawl. It's great! Keep slogging with the weight loss. Not sure what your thyroid condition is...I have an underactive one. I am finally losing weight steadily by using a lot of concepts/recipes from the South Beach diet. It's a slower trip when you have thyroid issues. Good luck!


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