Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I was up until 11:45 last night, on one of those I must get this finished or die trying binges. I had re-knit the section I frogged, then it measured an inch longer than it was supposed to. So, I had to re-frog it (plus an extra inch), and re-knit. Sigh. But I now only have about an inch left on the back piece!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sweater progress

Here is the sweater body, pre-frogging

Here it is, in all its frogged glory

Phew, I did it! I frogged back on the sweater, and didn't totally f**k it up! I started out so careful, trying to pull out the seaming, but got really frustrated really quick, and the scissors came out. What I didn't take a photo of was the huge pile of (now unuseable) yarn from my "sweater surgery". I was going to save some of the longer pieces to re-use, but figured it wouldn't be worth it, so it all went in the circular file.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Progress photo

Finally! Proof I have indeed been knitting......

The one on the right has been washed and dried (no, I didn't wash my swatch). Thank goodness, washing didn't change it at all. Now, on to frogging and fixing the body.

I was watching a Comedy Central special on Richard Jeni this morning, and went to his website. Amazingly, he is going to be in Aurora, IL next Saturday, and tickets are still available!! I think I'm going to get tickets and surprise my husband....

Monday, September 19, 2005

Ack, I got meme'd!

Here are the "rules":
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five people to do the same.

I had to go to my 24th post because I only had one sentence in my 23rd.... *drumroll please*
"Patternworks is wonderful"
I know, it made your day just a smidge better, didn't it?
Now I get to tag five people. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Boy, I just saw I haven't posted since the 9th! Time is just flying by....
I have finally gotten back to my knitting (hooray!). I'm working like mad on hubby's sweater to get.it.done. I'm almost done with the sleeves, then I need to frog some of the body and re-do, then do the buttonholes and collar.
I tried to start the Super Spiral Shawl, but I frogged it and put the yarn away (actually, before I put it away, I think I told my husband the yarn could burn in hell, but I think I was just a wee bit tired right then). Working with laceweight yarn and dpn's is not my idea of fun after a long (nonknitting) hiatus.
I know, I should quit posting so many cat photos, but this is too funny (to me it is, anyways). Instead of laying lengthwise on her "perch", she has decided crosswise is much better. Why, I don't know. It looks soooooo uncomfortable, doesn't it?


P.S. I have pictures of my new home office posted on my massage blog here if you want to take a peek!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Only a cat could find this a comfortable sleeping position!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My super secret pal

Here are my wonderful goodies from my Secret Pal! I got three, count 'em, three skeins of Knit Picks Shimmer in Grape Hyacinth, a handmade journal with a pretty lime green cover, ginger Altoids, Dove chocolates (I know, they're MIA, *cough*, chocolate doesn't last long here), and a nice card. Thank you Sarah!

Yarn Porn

I think I'm going to make the Super Spiral Shawl (from A Gathering of Lace) with the yarn. Think it's a good match?

Sorry, gotta go. Culver's has Snicker's Swirl custard tonight! Yum!