Boy, I just saw I haven't posted since the 9th! Time is just flying by....
I have finally gotten back to my knitting (hooray!). I'm working like mad on hubby's sweater to I'm almost done with the sleeves, then I need to frog some of the body and re-do, then do the buttonholes and collar.
I tried to start the Super Spiral Shawl, but I frogged it and put the yarn away (actually, before I put it away, I think I told my husband the yarn could burn in hell, but I think I was just a wee bit tired right then). Working with laceweight yarn and dpn's is not my idea of fun after a long (nonknitting) hiatus.
I know, I should quit posting so many cat photos, but this is too funny (to me it is, anyways). Instead of laying lengthwise on her "perch", she has decided crosswise is much better. Why, I don't know. It looks soooooo uncomfortable, doesn't it?
P.S. I have pictures of my new home office posted on my massage blog
here if you want to take a peek!