Friday, May 30, 2008

Odds n ends

This is one of my favorite groups on Ravelry right now:

and Veruca is so darn cute!

I am so close to the finish line with Susie, only half of the hood to go. Of course we had a cold spell the past few days, but I'm sure as soon as I bind off, we're going to get a heat wave! I'm already itching to cast on something new (but I must resist, I still have a sock to finish)...I can't decide between the Bohus for me, or Sir B's sweater. Well, to be honest, I know which one I want to start next, but his sweater is being considered. A little.

My nutrition test went swimmingly, I got an A!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Well, I made it...

...through my first week of school! The nutrition class I'm taking is harder than I expected, I have to remember a lot of "technical" terms. My first test is today so we'll see how well my brain is functioning.

I'm almost done with Susie!! All that is left is the hood. I tried it on last night, and after it's blocked it should fit perfectly.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First day of school!

I am officially going back to school today! I don't look quite as happy (or young) as in the above photo--more like I'm quaking in my shoes because I'm a thirty-something that's going to be in a classroom filled with twenty year old kids. Send good thoughts my way, please!

Back story: the economy is hitting my business hard. For working in this town as a massage therapist for almost ten years, I thought I'd have a bigger client base by now (which I don't), and then gas prices started rising, and people stopped getting their massages. I have my regulars that come no matter what, but five or so hours a week barely pays the bills. I have lots more knitting time, but I can't afford more yarn! So Sir B and I talked it over, and I decided to go back to school for a nursing degree. Registered Nurse, to be exact. My clients have been so supportive so far (we'll see once my schedule gets super-crazy), and I'm easing everyone in-myself included-by taking two classes over the summer, then going full-time this fall.

In knitting news, I have the sleeves done and joined to the body on the Susie, now I'm working on the yoke. Tonight is Stitch-In, so I should get a lot done! Photos soon.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I was only gone for a minute...

I went out last night to run an errand, and since the cats usually leave my knitting alone, I just left it on the couch. When I came home, I found this:

Apparently, Lexi approves of my knitting!

P.S. OMG! It's my three year blogiversary. Amazing.


Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Here is my progress on the Susie Hoodie. I am at Row 100, which is about the center of the waist. You can see the bias shaping--the "seam" running down the right is the center of the sweater, the seam in the center of the photo runs under the left arm, and the rest of the right side is all bunched up. My birthstone is peridot, and I put a peridot anklet on the sweater so you can see how peridot-y the color is. The bottom photo is with a flash, which flattens out the stitch detail, but I think it shows the actual color the best.

I lovelovelove how this is turning out! I am pleased as punch with the color, and the pattern is super easy so far. Sorry to gush, but I'm gonna until this is done

BTW, I bought more yarn on Monday. I didn't mean to. But I had to. It was on sale. The sale is almost over.
Sir B didn't understand...but I didn't tell him until after I bought the yarn...I'm not stupid.
So more Cascade 220 will be showing up here in the next week or so. I got enough of these:

to make the Bohus in More Big Girl Knits, plus 10 skeins of this color:

because I just loved it so much. I'll find a pattern later (that gets me into trouble every time, but I'll fly in the face of danger for a great sale price).
