Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First day of school!

I am officially going back to school today! I don't look quite as happy (or young) as in the above photo--more like I'm quaking in my shoes because I'm a thirty-something that's going to be in a classroom filled with twenty year old kids. Send good thoughts my way, please!

Back story: the economy is hitting my business hard. For working in this town as a massage therapist for almost ten years, I thought I'd have a bigger client base by now (which I don't), and then gas prices started rising, and people stopped getting their massages. I have my regulars that come no matter what, but five or so hours a week barely pays the bills. I have lots more knitting time, but I can't afford more yarn! So Sir B and I talked it over, and I decided to go back to school for a nursing degree. Registered Nurse, to be exact. My clients have been so supportive so far (we'll see once my schedule gets super-crazy), and I'm easing everyone in-myself included-by taking two classes over the summer, then going full-time this fall.

In knitting news, I have the sleeves done and joined to the body on the Susie, now I'm working on the yoke. Tonight is Stitch-In, so I should get a lot done! Photos soon.


At 8:14 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

Good luck with your classes, and good for you to embrace a new change!

At 10:57 PM, Blogger Vicki Knitorious said...

Good for you!! You might be surprised at how many "mature" classmates you have. In some of the classes I took last year -- no, I'm going to say in ALL of the classes I took last year, half were young & younger and the other half were 45-55!

At 8:26 PM, Blogger J.P. said...

I am so proud of you! I went back at 29 and finished at 31. It was the best thing I ever did.

Good luck! I am rooting for you!


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