Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Day Off

Woohoo! A day off! And I actually made it through the day without cleaning anything. I sat around catching up on blogs, downloading some music (my sis used an ITunes card on my computer and let me have the $6 left over, so I spent $15. Eh.), and knitting, of course. I didn't get to go to Stitch-In the other day since my sister ended up staying with us through the evening, but it was a blast spending time with her. We went bowling that afternoon, and we were both so terrible we just had fun laughing at each other. That night we made tacos and nachos for dinner...yum! Last night my parents, sister, and I (Brad had a headache) went to Rockford for Motorcycles on Ice, which was NOT as fun as it sounded. I expected lots of crashes but was sorely disappointed :( So as busy as I was the past two days (I also had a doctor appointment yesterday--uneventful), I needed a day all to myself.
I told my doc I wanted to stay on the PTU--no RAI for me, thanks--and she was fine with it. But for all the emotional symptoms I'm having, she wanted no part of it. It was just, "Your numbers are looking good, get a blood test on your way out, and see your primary care doctor for the other stuff". Bah.
I'll try to get some progress pics up soon....


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