Monday, May 22, 2006

My (crap) vacation weekend

I got to go away this weekend! Sir B and I went to Chicago for some R&, kind of. I don't think you could buy R&R anywhere near Chicago. The traffic--sucks. The parking--sucks. The construction--sucks.

The food's good, though.

We had tickets for Blue Man Group Friday at 4:00. We got to our hotel (in Lincolnshire) at 3:00 (because Sir B said he wanted to check in first & we had "plenty" of time), left the hotel at about 3:20, got into Chicago at 4:45, and couldn't find a parking spot anywhere. Yep. We missed the show! Crap. We drove around a bit, got more frustrated, and headed back to our hotel....when I proceeded to scream out "THERE'S BOB CHINN'S! Let's go there for dinner!!" And hubby, bless his heart, quickly turned us around and took me there. Awesome awesome food. Expensive, but wonderful. I hadn't been there in years, and he's never been, so it was a real treat. I had lamb chops and king crab legs...mmmmmmmmmmm. He had steak and lobster. And we brought home a gallon of their famous Mai Tais. Yep, we splurged, and we deserved it!

Saturday we went to the Field Museum, wandered around lost most of the time (that museum is not laid out well at all), and in keeping with our theme for the weekend, closed early. Crap. So we didn't even get to see everything. The last section we toured was the Indian Exhibit, and to cheer Sir B up I noticed most of the Cree Indian clothing mannequins in the displays were missing, so I joked they were all on break, or left early. We cracked each other up going on and on about the "lazy Cree Indians" as we walked out. Gotta look on the bright side, right? We went to Medieval Times for dinner, which was OK....the service was lousy, though. Crap.

Sunday we had no plans, so we ended up going to Woodfield mall for the afternoon....and got stuck in horrendous traffic on the way there because of an accident. Crap. But we didn't leave the mall empty-handed. There's an Apple store in Woodfield--we got an AV cable so we can play downloaded shows on our TV, and each got cases for our IPods. Then we headed to RAM for dinner, which is a steakhouse and brewery. Yum. Sir B wanted to see The DaVici Code, which was really good. Now I have to read the book!!

And here we are at home now. Sir B's asleep on the couch, and I'm blogging in between doing laundry. Sigh. Taffy stayed at "Grandpa's", and she and Taz had to learn to get along for four days. They did fine, after a bit of hissing and swatting on Taffy's part, they started ignoring each other. Since Stitch-In on Tuesday, I've been working on a moebius cat bed (the Red Rose pattern) for Taffy with my Cascade Quatro. It's going to be interesting, that's for sure! I'm double-stranding the Quatro, using green and purple for the moebius at the top, then I'm going to use green and blue below that, then blue and purple for the bottom. I'm hoping, when it's felted, for a kind of tie-dye effect. Pictures to come, even if it's horrid looking.

And lastly, I had a great dream about my Mom the other night. I showed up at a family party and she was there, but everyone was acting like it was no big deal....only she and I knew she was dead. I went up to her and gave her a big, long hug, then held her hand. And I could actually feel her hand! I was contented when I woke up, but when I told Sir B about it, I started to cry.

I noticed last week I had some weird red bumps on my inner elbow, and by Thursday I saw they had appeared from my right elbow to armpit, down both sides of my torso, and on my upper thighs. WTF?? It doesn't itch at all, but looks nasty as hell. I think it's starting to go away, but it needs a few more days before I can be sure. I'm thinking it's an allergic reaction to the new birth control pills I'm on (and am now OFF of, thankyouverymuch), but I'm not positive. Dr. gave me "Yaz" to try...I don't know if anyone else has heard of problems with this pill?

I'll have pictures to post tomorrow, but not knitting pictures! ;) And even though I dragged my digital camera with this weekend, I didn't take one photo. Eh.


At 10:34 PM, Blogger Liz said...

Sounds like you guys had a fun week-end, even with all the traffic. At least you got "away" so to speak.

The dream you had sounds very sweet. Your Mom is surely watching over you every step.

How are you feeling with all the thyroid stuff? any news on what you have ahead of you?

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