Tuesday, May 16, 2006

*sniff* I have Knitter's Block

I cannot get going on a project now for the life of me! I swatched for the Lady Eleanor in Cascade Quatro, and unless I doubled the yarn, it wasn't going to work. It just looked....wrong. So, that yarn will get turned into something else (I'm thinking a kitty bed or sweater(s) for little Jakob). I'll find out tonight at Stitch-In if it's just that the Lady and I don't get along, or if I'm having a problem with starting a new project in general. And no, I still haven't felted my bag yet.
I'm hoping to get my Amazon.com order soon...I'm getting Big Girl Knits and Pursenality Plus, and something for Sir B. What is with Amazon taking soooo long to ship anymore? I remember when I used to order stuff and get the super saver shipping and have it within a week! Now it's taking at least three weeks. Ugh.
I know I won't be around Friday to blog, so...happy one year blog-iversary to me! I cannot believe it's been a year already. And what a year, too.
Have a great week and weekend, all. I'll have lots to tell next week!!!


At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I've been reading almost from the beginning. Keep it up :) Hope you're muddling through this difficult time in your life. The knitting will come back, I'm sure. Take care.


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