Friday, March 24, 2006

The calm after the storm

Well, things are finally quiet here. It's been a rough couple of days, that's for sure. My Mom's been in the hospital since last Friday, and was talking about coming home on Wednesday. Then she took a turn for the worse and ended up in the ICU Wednesday and most of Thursday, but when we got there last night, they had moved her back to a regular room. So that's good. My Dad was out of town Tuesday and scrambled to get back home Wednesday, so I was the only one around and when I got up there (Wed), I was not prepared for what I saw. So last night was a big relief, she looked so much better, and was talking and laughing with us.

Since we had some time yesterday before I went up to the hospital, Sir BS and I went looking at cars. I have a wee little 2-door Saturn, and we've been talking for a while about getting a bigger car. The place we went to had two cars we really liked--a Pontiac Bonneville, and a Chrysler 300M, both 2002's. We're leaning towards the Chrysler, and are having it checked over by our mechanic on Monday. If it gets a thumbs up from him, we'll be getting it early next week!

In knitting news (yes, there is some!), at Stitch-In Tuesday night I started working on Mom's legwarmers, and had to keep frogging and tweaking the size. It's still not right, but I'm close. I haven't started on Magickal Earth yet.
And I got the final package from my Secret Pal on Wednesday (good day to get a present in the mail!), but I don't have photos to post right now. I received: strawberries and cream scented soap, Nova Scotia maple syrup, a set of 15mm River John hand-crafted birch needles (they're "swing" needles, which I need to look into since I've never heard of them before, but they look intriguing), and two skeins of Fleece Artist "Country Kid" yarn. Thank you very much Say!

And a big big thanks to everyone that posted the other day. It meant a lot to me. :)

***edited to add***
The "swing" needles are not circular, they are (2) double pointed needles with a big ball on each that slides. Say said in the enclosed letter, "You can switch the ends around so you can combine different yarns and create textured effects, or you can use them for anything you can think of". Say, you're giving my imagination too much credit. My brain needs step-by-step instructions.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Pixiepurls said...

I believe Swing means circular, let me know if they arn't circular needles! I have a pattern from a nova scotia company (fleece artist) and it calls for swing needles but is knit back and forth....

i think its just what they call circular needles.

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Liz said...

Glad to hear your Mom is doing a little better. Hopefully, she'll be home soon :)

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Sayward said...

As long as you think they'd be cool for a regular project. ;)

Glad to hear you mom's doing better!


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