Friday, March 03, 2006

The honeymoon? O-V-E-R

What is it with men? Married, in particular? Why do they revert back to teenagers when they get hitched--doing whatever is asked of them half-assed, if at all? We women get called "the ol' ball and chain" or "the old lady" when we should be Worshipped. Every. Day. Lavished with flowers and jewelry for getting out of bed in the morning. Because we:
Feed them
Wash their clothes
Clean the house
Take care of the kids (if applicable)
Keep the house stocked with necessities
Take care of them when they're sick
Make appointments for them
Constantly. pick. up. after. them.
(insert other things I forgot to mention above) go to work

Why am I griping, you ask? Because I live with a man. And ever since he acquired the title "husband", he has proceeded to forget everything except how to eat, watch TV, go to bed, and go to work. I ask him to empty the dishwasher (because he can't see the pile of dirty dishes on the counter), and he does empty it...but not put the dirty dishes in. He goes downstairs and puts a load of laundry in the dryer....after taking a still-mildly-damp load out and leaving it on top of the dryer, instead of bringing it upstairs. He'll walk past or over something twenty times, and when I point it out, he says he "didn't see it". I'll go out and get him dinner at 9:30 at night, but when he's on his way home from work at lunchtime, he won't call and ask me if I want anything. And if start complaining, pointing things out time and again? I get the eye roll. Apparently all a husband should have to do is: Work. Mow the lawn. Shovel snow. Take out the garbage. And watch TV the rest of the time.

I admit, this is the longest I've ever been with one man consistently (three years), all previous boyfriends were dumped when they became too much of a hassle to deal with. But I thought this one was a keeper. He had all the markings of a keeper. But somewhere along the line in the past year of marriage, I lost my hand (Seinfeld reference). All the things he used to do regularly...laundry, dishes, etc., I now do. Crabbily (well, it's a word now). It is a decidedly unequal partnership, and I'm getting the short end of the stick. And try as I might to train him, change him back to the way he was, it isn't working. All I end up doing is getting madder and madder, until I do something like....throw a clean load of his laundry on top of him while he's asleep.

Yeah, I did that.


At 4:58 PM, Blogger Pixiepurls said...

hehehe... just now I got aggrevated my husband hasn't done the dishes in a week and i have done them the last 3 times in a row.

So ya know he works from home and drinks a lot of coffee, so I just did all the dishes, but PUT EVERY SINGLE coffee cup into the sink, I didn't wash ONE, and it felt damn good. There are no clean cups in the house MUHAHA! I drink water so I have my water bottles. HEHE!!!

Latley I have been the cleaning lady, in the past he was much cleaner then I. He works from home and is "always working" even at night. well that excuse is BS to me, I don't care if he works at night, it's his choise. I work full damn time and when I get home if I wanna sit on my ass and watch tv thats my deal. It is not my job to be the cleaning lady becayse I choose not to work at night.


At 9:17 PM, Blogger Liz said...

I've been married 8 years and I'm sorry to say, it gets worse!


At 12:30 PM, Blogger The mini ninja said...

I'm wondering the SAME THING! I do it ALL in this relationship, and sometimes he's just a damn prick. Why are they like that?!?!?


We need to be worshiped. Every. Day.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Sorka said...

You know there is this little trick that might work.. Stop doing HIS laundry.. Just do yours. When he starts running out of clean stuff it might wake him up.. But seriously sounds like you need to have a bit of a talk and discuss equal division of labor!! Especially if you are both working.. you both do need to be working at home too.
I am at home full time but he is doing the laundry now. He washes and folds I get it put away.
It had eased things up and I am able to take care of other things.. like the kitchen and keep a tighter reign on the homeschooling and the kids chores and such!
Talk to him..

And BTW.. thanks for being such a SUPERWONDERFUL secret pal!!

At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read more than one study that says that men really don't see the mess. Of course, can't think of a reference off the top of my head.

You may want to pick up Mama Gena's Marriage Manual by Regena Thomashauer. She's funny and she thinks that women should be worshipped, too. Be forewarned, however, she says that women need to give up their whining, complaining, and anger. I'm not saying that YOU are whining, complaining, or angry, but I know a heck of a lot of women that are.

Good luck!

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Will Pillage For Yarn said...

Lori, I hear you!


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