Monday, March 06, 2006

Some good news

Well, I got quite a surprise this morning...
My doctor's office called and said my thyroid numbers look so good I'm to go off the PTU for 2 weeks, then get another blood test. Which means *drumroll*...they're already checking to see if I'm in remission. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

No knitting to report. Just been catching up on movies and visiting the parents--and their new ginormous projection TV. We watched "The Weather Man" on it the other day (weird movie, but great character development); Metallica's S&M and "Reign of Fire" yesterday. I don't really like Metallica (hubby is a huge fan), but I really like this concert. I like the heavy metal with an sounds like it'd be weird as hell, but makes for a very unique and enjoyable experience.

By the by, I came up with a blog name for my husband. I know some people get turned off by the term "hubby", so.....a friend of mine used to call him "Sir Brad" (the whole knight in shining armor thing. This was at the beginning of our relationship), and our last name starts with an "S", so I came up with:
"Sir BS" (bulls**t)
It fits him perfectly!
(hi! love you honey!)

In FO news, Sir BS doesn't like the hat I made him. There's nothing wrong with it, he just. doesn't. like. it. So, if anyone wants a black hand-knitted hat, leave me a comment or email me and I'll send it to you. Free to a good home!
And I was talking to my Mom the other day, and the conversation went something like this:
Mom: Um, there's a problem with Taz's sweater
Me: What?
Mom: won't stay on him
Me: Huh?!
Mom: He can get out of it. All by himself
Me: *silence*
Mom: I was out at the store the other day. When I came home, Taz was on the couch with your Dad, and the sweater was on the floor. I asked why he took off the dog's sweater, and he said he didn't take it off. So apparently he can shimmy his way out of it. Can you fix it so it'll stay on?
Me: I think so...
Unfortunately, the sweater was worked from the top-down, so I have to figure out how to remove the neck ribbing (hello scissors!), pick up the stitches, and re-do the ribbing. I'm thinking I'll also change from a 1x1 ribbing to a 2x2 and make it a bit longer, and hopefully that'll keep him from getting it off. Any other suggestions are appreciated.


At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I recently came across your blog when I googled knit blogs & Graves' disease. I am a knitter too (without a blog) & I also have Graves. After reading your post today, I felt compelled to write to you. I looked through your archives and found that you were recently diagnosed and have been on the PTU for a short time. Although some people are rumored to reach spontaneous remission, the likelihood that you have reached remission after a couple of months on PTU is low. In my research, studies have shown that stable labs, as well as maintenance dose of PTU for a minimum for 18 months is the best treatment and increases the chances for remission, since PTU acts as an immunosuppressant for your TSI (Graves') antibodies.

I know I may sound like a kook writing this, but alot of RAI pushing doctors try this "let's take you off the meds to see if you're in remission" ploy, to have you inadvertantly go hyper again, so they can say "PTU didn't work, we should nuke that thyroid!"

I myself have been on Methimazole, another anti-thyroid med for approx. 18 months and am shooting for 2 years. When I was first diagnosed I came across an online support group that has tons of info:

I haven't posted there for along time, especially since I've been stable, but I check in every day. The research and Thyroid 101 threads are a great tool for this rotten disease. And the advice ain't too shabby either! If you want to PM me there, my user name is Carrie11.

I know having Graves' sucks, and I know you want it over with ASAP. We all do. It does require ALOT of patience, but it does get better, especially when you have been stable for a long time and learn all you can.

I hope this helps!

p.s. Your knitting is very good!

At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops! In case you don't want to join mediboard, here's my email"


At 4:36 PM, Blogger Liz said...

I'll be thinking of you luv!

As for the movies, I watched the Weather Man last week. The whole movie I was saying, "This is boring, get on with it, ugh!" But you know at the very end when he says something about adults and growing up, it was just like "wow" I get it, that movie was pretty good. If you can get to the end message that is :)

OH...Love the new name for hubby too!


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