Friday, July 22, 2005

One of those weeks...

Well, I thought our nice weekend away was too good to be true. I found out last Saturday that the spa at the Interlaken Resort charged me not only the $45 I paid for my massage (after a $35 gift certificate) on Saturday the 9th, but then charged me $40 on Monday the 11th. The kicker is, I wasn't at the resort on Monday the 11th! I have called them on Saturday (16th), Monday (18th), and Tuesday (19th). The spa director called me on Wednesday the 20th...the exact conversation: "Is this Lori Simmons?" "Yes" "This is Val from the Interlaken Resort, and I'm just calling you to let you know I've taken care of the $40 charge" "OK, thanks" "Goodbye" "Goodbye". She NEVER apologized, which ticked me off...and makes me think this happens quite often. It's now Friday, and the money's not in my account yet. Sigh. I guess I get to call and talk to Ms. Charming on Monday, oh boy! Can't wait. In the meantime, I will write a lovely letter to the hotel manager detailing all the bad service we received the two times we've been there. Actually, I do love writing nasty letters to companies that provide lousy service. I'm quite good at it. Too bad I've had a lot of practice...
Not a lot of knitting going on at the homefront. Just a lot of sitting around in the evening in front of the boob tube, drinking. And me trying to speed read Harry Potter 4 and 5 so I can get started on 6, since I totally forgot what happened in 4 and 5.
Hope y'all have a great weekend. I'll be painting (I promise, it is happening this weekend!) inside, so don't worry about me outside in the expected 100 degree weather, there's no way in hell you'd keep me out there for more than a few minutes at a time! And I'm hoping to get some more done on the LC, or start on the sleeves of hubby's cardigan. I'm putting off the frogging until later. Way later.


At 5:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hate it when companies give you lousy service! My family are also good with the "nastygrams" as we like to call them. They usually yield much better results than talking to someone on the phone.

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Lori said...

Nastygrams! I love it!

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on! If a company's not coming through, they need to know about it. At least they have a chance to make things right. I hate it when people whine and whine about the service or quality or whatever, but refuse to tell the company. Like the rest of us can fix their problem or something..


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