Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Better late than never

I promised a photo, and here it is:

I got my first tattoo! This was taken immediately after it was finished, so the redness you see here is gone now. The dates are my Mom's--I've always wanted a tattoo, but could never decide what of until she passed away. Then I knew the perfect first (and hopefully only, if my hubby has his way) tattoo would be a "tribute" to her. My sis drove out to be with me, and took lots more pictures, which I'll probably post when I get my copies from her. I drove down to my Dad's this evening to show him, and he was really impressed with the design, which made me feel good. I'm just so proud of myself to go through with it...I am such a baby when it comes to pain, but this was tolerable, and I could see myself getting another one (shhhh, don't tell hubby, but it would be my cat Taffy with a string running down to a ball of yarn with knitting needles sticking out of it). As you can probably tell, Sir B is not a fan of tattoos, at all. But he's just keeping his mouth shut, because he knows he can't tell me what to do or not do, plus he knows how much this means to me.

Liz asked about a thyroid update: nothing new, really. I should be getting back my test results this week to see what my levels are, but my hand tremors are going away, and my anxiety is lessening, which is great. Doc keeps asking me if I want to do the radioactive iodine treatment, and I keep saying no.


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