Little progress is being made on the tank. I blame myself, really (heh). I just realized that what I think I can do and what I actually do are very, very different. I wanted to be wearing this tank before the end of summer....not thinking it's gonna happen, folks. :)
In family news, my sis Amy has a new doggie, Bailey! I can't wait to see him. He's an 8 month old standard poodle. Unfortunately, he's not doing so well. His ex-owners were related to Amy's partner, and they went and forcibly removed the dog yesterday to care for him. It seems he was being abused by the visiting cousins, who put rubber bands on his ears, and no one removed them. Some got embedded in the poor pup's skin, and they may have to be amputated. He's in excellent hands now, and my sis will make the rest of his life sooooo happy. Too bad it had to start out like this, though.
I'm trying to stay a bit more busy and independent as of late. I've been getting so upset about not being able to spend time with Sir B because he's been working so much, but realize all this is my problem and I have to deal with it! So, no more sitting around and moping that he's sleeping. I'm just going to do my own thing--work later, go out with friends or alone, visit my Dad more, whatever--and when he has some time to spend with me, great. But I can't wait for it.
Glad to see you're posting more lately! Hope all is well with you. Such a sad puppy story :( Animal lovers everywhere are grateful to people like your sister. Thank her for giving this dog a truly loving home!
Take care...and keep on knitting!!
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