So, I ordered the Knit Picks Options needle set, which arrived today. The needles and cables are awesome, but the case is so incredibly crappy....I got right back online looking for a replacement. And in a duh moment, I didn't double-check the length of cable I needed to transfer Irish Diamond to Options needles, and the cables I got with the set are way. too. small.
No sense rushing to buy them now, I'm only about 20 rows from finishing (hooray!), which I'd show, but a photo from on the needles won't show crap. You'll have to wait til it's done!
AFTER Irish Diamond is done, I'll get back to my cardigan, then it's on to new projects (gasp). I can't believe I went a month without knitting, and I'm definitely making up for lost time.
Layla is settling in nicely. She apparently came home from the shelter with a parasite, but has been taking her medicine like it's liquid treats. She goes in tomorrow to be spayed, so the other two will have a break from her for a whole day.
They'll love me.
Until I bring Layla back home.
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