Thursday, January 12, 2006

Everything but the kitchen sink

Firstly, thanks to Leslie and Melissa for your words of encouragement. I had my Weight Watchers meeting yesterday, and I gained 2.5 pounds. Eh. Guess my meds are kicking in faster than I thought they would, so no help there.

Also had my doctor appointment yesterday, and she talked with me about my treatment options. Seems it's not a good idea to stay on this PTU forever (although I could go into remission while on it, it would still come back eventually), so she said I may want to consider getting a redioactive iodine treatment. That would destroy most/all of my thyroid, probably giving me hypothyroidism (which I will apparently get anyways, eventually), but that medication will be better for my body in that I won't have the chance of having liver problems or a decreased white blood cell count. I would be radioactive for a week, so I wouldn't be able to work (awwww), or have close contact with anyone. So hubby would have to sleep in another room, and we couldn't kiss or hug get the drift. It will take about six month to get absorbed/out of my system, but I shouldn't have any fertility problems afterwards. Plus I think the meds for hypothyroidism would be better for my body during pregnancy than the ones I'm on now (I think these meds would harm or kill a fetus, so I'd have to go off of them if I got pregnant. I shudder to think how I'd survive being pregnant with this condition and no meds). The good news in all of this is I'm feeling much much better. Still get a little anxiety now and then, but better.

After the doctor, I treated myself to a stop at Unique Yarns. I ended up buying a copy of Cast On for myself (what a waste of $$, I don't know why I keep buying that magazine. Just a bunch of fugly), and some stuff for my Secret Pal.

Today and tomorrow I have some free time (the Christmas tree is finally put away. Hooray!), so I think I'll get my knitting out (yes, my hand is feeling better...not 100% yet. Doc says it's a ganglion cyst). I don't know if I'll actually knit today, as I'd really like to play with my KnitAble program. BTW, the Weight Watchers On the Go program was a bust. They have too many bugs in the program, and after fighting it for two hours, I chalked it up as a loss and asked for a refund (you have to join their online services to get OtG). Maybe once they've had it up and running for a while, and it's not so new, I can re-join and get it to work.

And as much as I love my husband, I have such a huge crush on Michael Buble. I feel like I'm 13 again, one step away from taping posters of him all over the bedroom walls. He is so dreamy! And his voice.....heaven. Treat yourself to a look 'n' listen here (I recommend Moondance).


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Liz said...

Aww Sweetie...Radioactive huh? I thrive on cuddles from my Hubby and kids, and would miss it tons. Bless your heart.

Hooray for free time! I had it today, and tomorrow too :) Think I'll spend tomorrow knitting too.


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