Wednesday, January 18, 2006


First, I bought yarn today. Yay! Patternworks order coming soon! I ordered me some Aurora Bulky to make legwarmers for my Mom. She has been pretty quiet through my six years of knitting, not asking for anything (I think she is sad that she may not be getting any more crocheted Barbie clothes....I promise to make you more eventually, Mommy), but a few days ago she asked for something. Hazzah! Legwarmers to keep her toasty when she has to stay in the hospital (or, I'll finish them and she'll never have to go to the hospital again). I'm going to use this worksheet to make them. Nothing fancy and a dark color were her only requests.

Now the grrrr. I had somehow not received the Nov/Dec 2005 issue of Massage Magazine, and after emailing the magazine, got my copy yesterday. There was an article in it, a Q & A if you will, where a massage student asked if it would be a problem for her to be a "short, overweight massage therapist". The answer absolutely shocked and disgusted me, and I am fightin' mad. I'm sending them a letter immediately, because if anyone should know about this issue, it's me. I've been an overweight massage therapist for eight years. It does NOT interfere with how I treat clients, I can do five hours' worth of massages in a day without batting an eye. This woman had no place answering the question when she had no frame of reference. She should have asked an overweight MT, not slapped her obvious prejudice all over this poor woman. She actually had the nerve to tell the woman this: "If you are obese and seriously thinking of becoming a massage therapist, I will tell you the program will be tough for you, if not impossible." Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. I'll be sure to post a copy of my letter for y'all to enjoy.
EDIT: I added a link so you can read the article in all its glory for yourself. Scroll down to the second question. Please tell me what you think. I need an unbiased opinion of both sides (the author's and mine).

Yesterday was Stitchin' night, which was fun except one of the ladies there (about my age) was going on and on and on and on about trying to get pregnant (at least she was going on about the problems she's having, I'm not the only one, even though it seems everyone is getting pregnant except me), and incessant talking about her daughter: "K did the cutest thing..... K said the funniest thing the other day...." Ugh. Just what I need to hear. Why is it when you can't have something, it's everywhere? Deep, I know. Sorry to dump....

To end on a good note, I want to show you this baby set I want to make (even if I just pack it away, I.must.make.this!) I love celestial themed stuff, and this is sooooo adorable! :)


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