I'm sick
No lace knitting, or knitting of any kind, going on here. I've had a nasty cold since Monday, and I can barely read without getting a headache. Yuck.
Who needs food or a clean house? It's time to knit!
No lace knitting, or knitting of any kind, going on here. I've had a nasty cold since Monday, and I can barely read without getting a headache. Yuck.
Why do colors not like me? When I'm in a yarn store, certain colors jump out at me, begging me to take them home to use in my next project, but as soon as I start the project....they revolt. "Haha!", they say, "You thought we would look good together! We showed you!"
Haven't started on the baby outfit yet... I've actually been working on a quilting project off-and-on for a few weeks now. I'm making memory quilts out of my Mom's clothing for my sisters, my Dad, and me. I will start the new knitting project by Tuesday (knitting group!).