Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pain in the...well, everywhere!

It's funny, when you're injured you realize how lazy you were before the injury. The dishes you were going to wash "tomorrow", the laundry piled up upstairs that you can't even get downstairs where the machines are. The crutches help immensely, but only if I don't need to bring something back from the other room; then I'm stuck hobbling back and forth, my sciatic nerve screaming at me to just SIT DOWN! I have plenty of time to knit, but no energy to. My hands and arms are tired from using the crutches. My husband is not much help, he "doesn't see" the pile of dishes that have been sitting in the strainer for the past four days and need to be put away, he "forgets" to do the laundry or give the cat her insulin. Work was finally starting to get busy, then I had to call and cancel all my appointments this week; I was supposed to take a placement test today (I'm going back to school, which is a story for another time) but I can't drive.

All this because I sprained my ankle on a sidewalk going into a Taco Bell because they forgot part of my order at the drive-thru. But hey, they're sending me coupons!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Pattern: Radiance Cabled Jacket (available here)
Yarn: Cascade 220, some heather color. I don't remember how many skeins I bought, but I have two left.
Started: November 20, 2007
Finished: March 18, 2008
Needles: KnitPicks interchangeables, size 5
Notes: I love this cardigan. Not too heavy, simple and elegant. I do want to try and block it just a bit bigger. I was going to add an i-cord button loop and a cool button, but I like it better without! The sleeves turned out too long, but I can turn them up. This is the first time I made sleeves with caps on them, and I didn't shorten them enough before the cap shaping, then I wasn't about to rip and redo them!

Taffy (whining): When is it MY turn?
Lexi: I got here first. Deal.


Friday, March 07, 2008

And now onto something knitty...

Look, I have knitting pictures!

The body and part of one sleeve of the Radiance Cabled Jacket:

This sweater was almost given a time-out for being so much trouble. First, I kept screwing up the cable, then when I seamed the shoulders I realized the cables weren't matching up. Grrrrrr. Upon closer inspection, the back shaping was correct, but I reversed the front shaping. Instead of flinging the sweater across the room and yelling curse words at it, I took a breath and realized it was fixable with a minimum of frogging. I'll still be glad when this thing is done and I can start screwing up another project....

Like mittens! Pattern is from the book Selbuvotter, yarn and needles from Knit Picks:

Work has been soooooooooooo slow this week, but at least I'm getting lots of knitting done!

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