Sunday, July 30, 2006

Here is sweet Bailey. You can kind of see in this photo how his ears are black, but he doesn't seem to be too bothered by it. Sis sees the vet tomorrow and finds out how much they'll have to amputate Bailey's ears. Bailey loves my sis so much...he follows her everywhere!

Here is the progress on my tank top! Too bad I still have to make the back piece, I'm so anxious to wear it!

OK, I need input here. A client of mine just told me she's pregnant, and I'd like to make her something for the baby, but I can't decide which to make. Do you vote for the cardigan and cap (above), or the romper, sweater and cap (below)?

Friday was fun; I was finished with work early, got a massage, then Sir B and I went to Rockford for dinner (Thunder Bay Grille, yum!) and saw My Super Ex-Girlfriend, which we both thought was really funny. Yesterday we went to sis's house with my Dad and Grandma, but I had a really bad night last night thinking about Mom. The next week is going to be a rough one to get through, with my birthday on the 8th, I'm thinking about her more and more. I mainly wish I could just forget my birthday altogether, because it's going to be terrible without her here to celebrate it with me.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Little progress is being made on the tank. I blame myself, really (heh). I just realized that what I think I can do and what I actually do are very, very different. I wanted to be wearing this tank before the end of summer....not thinking it's gonna happen, folks. :)

In family news, my sis Amy has a new doggie, Bailey! I can't wait to see him. He's an 8 month old standard poodle. Unfortunately, he's not doing so well. His ex-owners were related to Amy's partner, and they went and forcibly removed the dog yesterday to care for him. It seems he was being abused by the visiting cousins, who put rubber bands on his ears, and no one removed them. Some got embedded in the poor pup's skin, and they may have to be amputated. He's in excellent hands now, and my sis will make the rest of his life sooooo happy. Too bad it had to start out like this, though.

I'm trying to stay a bit more busy and independent as of late. I've been getting so upset about not being able to spend time with Sir B because he's been working so much, but realize all this is my problem and I have to deal with it! So, no more sitting around and moping that he's sleeping. I'm just going to do my own thing--work later, go out with friends or alone, visit my Dad more, whatever--and when he has some time to spend with me, great. But I can't wait for it.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Where did the week go??

Holy cow, I can't believe it's Friday already! Last weekend was a blur of cleaning because Stitch-In was at my house on Tuesday...which was a blast. 10 ladies showed up, I only got two rows knitted in three hours, and I made them "my" Peaches 'n Cream cake. Wednesday Brad went to Rockford with me, and a big screen TV followed us home. Yesterday and today I met friends for lunch in between appointments.

Still no pictures of the tank top....but did I mention how much I'm loving the Shine Sport yarn?!

Eh, that's all I've got for now..............

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Photo post!

Here is my tattoo! Isn't it cute?! This is the photo he modeled it from:

On to my Arizona trip. First, some scenery:

This is the cactus in my Dad's front yard. I'd hate to trip into that thing!

Saturday night we went to Rustler's Rooste for dinner. The photo above is my sister and I goofing off, and the photo below is me with my Dad and stepmom on the restaurant's patio. Rustler's Rooste has a snake appetizer, which I was too much of a chicken to try....maybe next time!

This is at my Dad's house (Dad, me, and Angela), in his front yard. Nice view, huh?

The tattoo he got in Hawaii (it's a manta ray with two stingrays and a turtle). He started scuba diving a few years ago and loves it. Sis has her scuba certification too.... Brad and I may go on a vacation to Hawaii with them sometime, and I'm thinking I should get certified too.... especially so I can go on the Manta Ray night dive.

Dad's puppy A'Diva. She's adorable, but so energetic! This photo had to be taken quickly, as you can see in her eyes she's planning much mischief. I didn't take pictures of sis's cat and two dogs (sorry guys!), they were such sweethearts though!

When I came home, this beautiful bouquet was waiting for me with a card that said "I missed you, Love Brad". Awwwwwwwwwww! *blush*'s nice to be missed! Taffy acted as though she never knew I was gone. Hmph, cats!

I had a fantastic time away, just hanging out with family. I met Angela's counselor who was very nice; we went to a bookstore called "Changing Hands", which had new and used books, plus some really cool knicknacks; had lunch with two of her friends; and went to the mall. We had a bit of trouble finding a yarn store that was open (read: still in business), but did find one--The Fiber Factory, which was huge! They not only had yarn, but also spinning supplies and weaving supplies. Some of the ladies there were talking about the Yarn Harlot, and come to find out she's going to be there on the 26th for a book signing. Sigh. I was good, I didn't buy anything there (mainly because I had bought a bunch of books at the bookstore). Sunday we went to another mall for a while, then hung out at her house until dinnertime. Dinner Sunday night was at Macayo's, which had excellent Mexican food and the best margaritas I think I've ever had.

I took a photo of my tank top, but for some reason it didn't download, then I was having trouble with the disk in the camera. So that'll have to wait for the next post.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I'm a bad blogger

I don't know why I've been slacking on my posts lately, but I'll try to do better from now on.

Let's see.... I started the "Boobalicious Tank" (I even swatched for it!). I'm only on row 6, so no photos of it yet. I got the other tattoo I wanted of Taffy and the ball of yarn with knitting needles, and I have to go back to have it touched up after it heals, but it turned out cute. Perry, who did both my tattoos, said we could barter massages for tattoos if I want more. Brad would kill me! Eh, maybe I can guilt him into it by telling him it would be good for my business, you know, two business owners who can refer customers to each other. Hmmmm....

What else... my dryer quit working. No two weeks' notice even. The repairman just left, and it seems the vent is all gunked up, and the best thing to do is run a hard pipe to replace the accordion-style vent. Sigh. And he can't come until Friday morning, so I have to go the laundromat tomorrow to wash clothes before I leave for Arizona Friday afternoon. Crunch time!

Yes, I get to fry in Arizona for four days. My sis needs some family time but can't come up here until October, so I decided to go down for a few days. I'll see if I can get her to take me to a yarn store or two (there are FOUR in Mesa alone! Why haven't I gone down there sooner?!)

I don't want this to be a totally boring post, so here's a cute picture for y'all:

Hope everyone had a great 4th!