I've been slacking on my posts because I've been so darn tired. I can't get in to the endocrinologist until my OBGYN gets my records over to his office....I can't even set up an appointment! So I spent time this morning on the phone trying to get the OBGYN's office to get on the ball and get my records sent. Sigh.
Saturday we went out to run a few errands, and I was so wiped out, I had to take a nap when I got home. That's how bad it's getting. I'm tired all.the.time. Sucks.
But I got a lot of knitting done this weekend. I'm almost done with Mom's snowflake illusion scarf....one more repeat and the fringe to go! (I showed it to my aunt on Thanksgiving, and she said she may have to learn how to knit to make one herself! All it takes is that one project you
have to have to get the bug, right?!) Anyways, I'll post photots of the scarf when it's done.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I know I did! My Mom is such a great cook. The guys played games on the Xbox all afternoon, except when we all watched War of the Worlds, and us girls helped cook. I saw the beginning of my aunt's blanket she's crocheting with the dark blue variegated yarn, and it's gorgeous....and I started on Creatures of the Reef.
Here is Taz, my parents' new dog. He's six years old, and came from the local shelter (where he'd been since August). He is the sweetest dog ever! If you sit down, he has to come and sit right next to you, or preferably
on you!

Here are Taffy and Taz making sure no piece of turkey hits the floor. Notice how they have both sides covered

And lastly, I had to wash hubby's gloves the other day, and guess who had to try out the drying rack too?

P.S. If you notice, I posted a photo on the sidebar under Finished Projects of the "Baby Item" I made!