Looky here, a post with photos!

Here it is! Creatures of the Reef, 40 rows' worth. You can just start to make out the shapes of the crabs and seahorses with the little bit of blocking I did.

And here's Taffy, who jumped up on the back of the couch yesterday afternoon (not a normal activity), and decided she could fit on this neck pillow. She barely made it, but she stubbornly laid there for about 15 minutes before leaving.
I've decided to read a chapter a day of the book "Living Well with Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism", which means I'll be done about a week before my next doctor's appointment. I think I'm going to agree to the radioactive thyroid treatment in the end, so I'm assuming I'll have it done some time in March, which got me thinking....I'll have one whole week to myself (literally, I can't have anyone within three feet of me), I should stock up on yarn so I can knit the whole time. I'll probably still be working on Creatures, but I can only do so much lace at one time because it hurts my thumb muscles after a while. So what else should I make? I'm really leaning towards making the Byzantine Bazic Sweater, even though I have other projects on my "to do" list right now (which may be done by then, I don't know), I don't think I'll want to be knitting something for someone else in that condition (that's my reason and I'm sticking to it!).
Eeesh, I see I posted about making this sweater "ASAP" on June freakin' 20th last year. So much for ASAP....
Anyways, my other choices are: Blanket Poncho from Patons Wrap it Up!; or throw caution to the wind and start on "Jack's Cardigan" from Men in Knits or a kitty bed from Second Treasury of Magical Knitting, hoping I won't be giving a radioactive-residued knitted item. Sigh.
I will, of course, also stock up on movies and audiobooks, so if you have a favorite, let me know. I really need suggestions--especially audiobooks--since I don't keep up with what's new out there in the world of books.