Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Looky here, a post with photos!

Here it is! Creatures of the Reef, 40 rows' worth. You can just start to make out the shapes of the crabs and seahorses with the little bit of blocking I did.

And here's Taffy, who jumped up on the back of the couch yesterday afternoon (not a normal activity), and decided she could fit on this neck pillow. She barely made it, but she stubbornly laid there for about 15 minutes before leaving.

I've decided to read a chapter a day of the book "Living Well with Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism", which means I'll be done about a week before my next doctor's appointment. I think I'm going to agree to the radioactive thyroid treatment in the end, so I'm assuming I'll have it done some time in March, which got me thinking....I'll have one whole week to myself (literally, I can't have anyone within three feet of me), I should stock up on yarn so I can knit the whole time. I'll probably still be working on Creatures, but I can only do so much lace at one time because it hurts my thumb muscles after a while. So what else should I make? I'm really leaning towards making the Byzantine Bazic Sweater, even though I have other projects on my "to do" list right now (which may be done by then, I don't know), I don't think I'll want to be knitting something for someone else in that condition (that's my reason and I'm sticking to it!).

Eeesh, I see I posted about making this sweater "ASAP" on June freakin' 20th last year. So much for ASAP....

Anyways, my other choices are: Blanket Poncho from Patons Wrap it Up!; or throw caution to the wind and start on "Jack's Cardigan" from Men in Knits or a kitty bed from Second Treasury of Magical Knitting, hoping I won't be giving a radioactive-residued knitted item. Sigh.

I will, of course, also stock up on movies and audiobooks, so if you have a favorite, let me know. I really need suggestions--especially audiobooks--since I don't keep up with what's new out there in the world of books.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Lazy Day

I just got done working, and am so pooped. I really wanted to post pictures of my Creatures progress today (mainly for Melissa, my lace cheerleader!), but I just can't find the energy. A big reason is it is dreary and raining here, which makes me want to just go back to bed. Good thing I got my exercising done this morning...YOGAmazing is awesome!

I forgot to post the other day that I lost 1.2 pounds last week! Yay me!

Have a good weekend, all.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Motorin' along

I became a woman on a mission and got 11 rows of Creatures done in the past two days! I am ABSOLUTELY positive I have the right number of repeats now, too.

For any of you that enjoy yoga, there is a FREE Video Podcast available on ITunes (and you don't need an IPod, you can view it right on your computer) called YOGAmazing. The classes work on specific areas of the body, or with certain poses. And did I mention it's free?

And better late than never, but GO STEELERS!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Picture this

Setting: I am sitting on the couch, watching the 8th season of Friends on DVD and working on Creatures of the Reef shawl. As I knit, I hear this kind, Grandmotherly voice in my head....

G: That's lovely, dear. What are you making?
Me: *proudly* a shawl
G: Wonderful! And how far along are you?
Me: Twenty-three rows
G: Oh my! That must have taken you a long time
Me: Why, yes it did...
G: That's too bad, because it looks like you're going to have to rip it all out and start over.
Me: What? No
G: Yes, I'm afraid so. You see, you have twenty-four repeats of the pattern, dear. And you're only supposed to have twenty-three.
Me: No, it can't be.


Fifteen minutes later, and I have a freshly-wound ball of Zephyr and a bottle of wine.
I think I'll drink it straight out of the bottle.

Note to Secret Pal: enclose two bottles of alcohol for every skein of yarn you send me. Thank you.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Did you see this?!

There's an article on Yahoo! about a men's knitting group in New York. The guys apparently meet to knit and talk over beer and hot dogs. Yup, that's a man's knitting night, all right!
Good for them!

A rant, of sorts

As promised, here is the letter I am sending tomorrow to Massage Magazine:

I just had the intense displeasure of reading the “Student Advisor” article by Charlotte Versagi in the Nov/Dec 2005 issue. Ms. Versagi obviously is very prejudiced against overweight people, and this poor person, looking for encouragement and advice, instead gets their self-esteem stomped on. I am an overweight massage therapist, was all through massage school, and still am, eight years later. I have never had a problem with my weight and my profession, and to see Ms. Versagi declare: “.. It is very difficult for an obese massage therapist not to lay part of her body on the client while working” and “..I will tell you the [massage] program will be tough for you, if not impossible” are untrue statements.
Yes, massage is an athletic profession. I consistently do up to five hours’ of massages per day, five days a week, without issue. I had to build up to that, but that is true of any strenuous activity. Just because a person is overweight does not mean they are lazy, or unable to do what an “athletic” or skinny person does. I much prefer a job that keeps me moving, than sitting behind a desk 40+ hours a week.
For her to say, “I have to constantly remind [them] that their bosom or belly is touching the client”, shows that Ms. Versagi needs to re-evaluate her curriculum to accommodate students of different body types, not try to fit everyone into a cookie-cutter mold.
If someone posed this question to me, I would say: first, you seem to have some self-esteem issues that need to be worked out, possibly in therapy. If there is a deep-seated fear your clients will judge you, trust me, they are more fearful of being judged themselves. Second, if this is your calling, what you really want to do for the rest of your life, then go for it! By the end of massage school you’ll know if you can do it or not, but don’t drop out because of a “what if”. And third, if you have any problems with executing techniques, ask your teacher if there is a modification you can make. A good teacher will help you succeed, not tell you to just lose weight.
Ms. Versagi needs to learn some tact. I’m not looking forward to any other articles she publishes in your magazine, unless she changes her tone. Everyone on this earth is different, and we need to embrace that fact!

Ahhhhh, feels good to get that off my (ample) chest. That woman's article just rubbed me the wrong way, and I don't sit idly by when that happens.

In knitting news, I'm working on Creatures again! I'm almost done with the seashell border, and let me tell you, the instructions freaked me out a little, but was actually very easy to execute.

Happy knitting!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


First, I bought yarn today. Yay! Patternworks order coming soon! I ordered me some Aurora Bulky to make legwarmers for my Mom. She has been pretty quiet through my six years of knitting, not asking for anything (I think she is sad that she may not be getting any more crocheted Barbie clothes....I promise to make you more eventually, Mommy), but a few days ago she asked for something. Hazzah! Legwarmers to keep her toasty when she has to stay in the hospital (or, I'll finish them and she'll never have to go to the hospital again). I'm going to use this worksheet to make them. Nothing fancy and a dark color were her only requests.

Now the grrrr. I had somehow not received the Nov/Dec 2005 issue of Massage Magazine, and after emailing the magazine, got my copy yesterday. There was an article in it, a Q & A if you will, where a massage student asked if it would be a problem for her to be a "short, overweight massage therapist". The answer absolutely shocked and disgusted me, and I am fightin' mad. I'm sending them a letter immediately, because if anyone should know about this issue, it's me. I've been an overweight massage therapist for eight years. It does NOT interfere with how I treat clients, I can do five hours' worth of massages in a day without batting an eye. This woman had no place answering the question when she had no frame of reference. She should have asked an overweight MT, not slapped her obvious prejudice all over this poor woman. She actually had the nerve to tell the woman this: "If you are obese and seriously thinking of becoming a massage therapist, I will tell you the program will be tough for you, if not impossible." Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. I'll be sure to post a copy of my letter for y'all to enjoy.
EDIT: I added a link so you can read the article in all its glory for yourself. Scroll down to the second question. Please tell me what you think. I need an unbiased opinion of both sides (the author's and mine).

Yesterday was Stitchin' night, which was fun except one of the ladies there (about my age) was going on and on and on and on about trying to get pregnant (at least she was going on about the problems she's having, I'm not the only one, even though it seems everyone is getting pregnant except me), and incessant talking about her daughter: "K did the cutest thing..... K said the funniest thing the other day...." Ugh. Just what I need to hear. Why is it when you can't have something, it's everywhere? Deep, I know. Sorry to dump....

To end on a good note, I want to show you this baby set I want to make (even if I just pack it away, I.must.make.this!) I love celestial themed stuff, and this is sooooo adorable! :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Yesterday was hubby's birthday, and just look at this cake I made! Bea-u-tee-ful! It's Peaches and Cream, and it was delicious. I also made him shrimp cocktail and cornish hens with garlic roasted red potatoes for dinner

I finished his hat. Phew, it feels good to get back to knitting again. Sorry it just looks like a black blob on his head, but black yarn + flash photography does NOT equal a good picture!!

This is too cool. It's an Air Desk for my laptop. I just have to fiddle with the adjustments a bit more, I'm not entirely comfortable yet, but it looks good.

And here's Taffy chowing down on her cat grass. Thanks Aunt Amy!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Everything but the kitchen sink

Firstly, thanks to Leslie and Melissa for your words of encouragement. I had my Weight Watchers meeting yesterday, and I gained 2.5 pounds. Eh. Guess my meds are kicking in faster than I thought they would, so no help there.

Also had my doctor appointment yesterday, and she talked with me about my treatment options. Seems it's not a good idea to stay on this PTU forever (although I could go into remission while on it, it would still come back eventually), so she said I may want to consider getting a redioactive iodine treatment. That would destroy most/all of my thyroid, probably giving me hypothyroidism (which I will apparently get anyways, eventually), but that medication will be better for my body in that I won't have the chance of having liver problems or a decreased white blood cell count. I would be radioactive for a week, so I wouldn't be able to work (awwww), or have close contact with anyone. So hubby would have to sleep in another room, and we couldn't kiss or hug or...you get the drift. It will take about six month to get absorbed/out of my system, but I shouldn't have any fertility problems afterwards. Plus I think the meds for hypothyroidism would be better for my body during pregnancy than the ones I'm on now (I think these meds would harm or kill a fetus, so I'd have to go off of them if I got pregnant. I shudder to think how I'd survive being pregnant with this condition and no meds). The good news in all of this is I'm feeling much much better. Still get a little anxiety now and then, but better.

After the doctor, I treated myself to a stop at Unique Yarns. I ended up buying a copy of Cast On for myself (what a waste of $$, I don't know why I keep buying that magazine. Just a bunch of fugly), and some stuff for my Secret Pal.

Today and tomorrow I have some free time (the Christmas tree is finally put away. Hooray!), so I think I'll get my knitting out (yes, my hand is feeling better...not 100% yet. Doc says it's a ganglion cyst). I don't know if I'll actually knit today, as I'd really like to play with my KnitAble program. BTW, the Weight Watchers On the Go program was a bust. They have too many bugs in the program, and after fighting it for two hours, I chalked it up as a loss and asked for a refund (you have to join their online services to get OtG). Maybe once they've had it up and running for a while, and it's not so new, I can re-join and get it to work.

And as much as I love my husband, I have such a huge crush on Michael Buble. I feel like I'm 13 again, one step away from taping posters of him all over the bedroom walls. He is so dreamy! And his voice.....heaven. Treat yourself to a look 'n' listen here (I recommend Moondance).

Monday, January 09, 2006

Secret Pal 7 Questionnaire

1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand?
No. As you can see from my recent entries I still use Red Heart quite a bit still

2. Do you spin? Crochet?
I don't spin (yet), and I used to crochet

3. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
I have a holder for my straight needles, otherwise I use my Denise set

4. How long have you been knitting? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I have been knitting for about six years. I would consider myself an intermediate

5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
Sure do

6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)
I absolutely love the "Warm Vanilla Sugar" scented products from Bath & Body Works

7. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
Unfortunately, yes....anything chocolate. But I just started Weight Watchers, so don't send me something too tempting I shouldn't have (because I'll eat it anyways, I know me)

8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?
Nothing really. Knitting takes up most of my free time

9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
I like pop, oldies, some country, new age, and classical. I have an IPod/ITunes if you want to send music that way

10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?
I like purple, blue, green, red, and orange. The warmer colors look better on me I've been told

11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
I'm married and have one cat

12. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
Yes, no, sometimes (but would love to start making them!), no

13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?
I love Koigu. Lovelovelove it!

14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
Scratchy wool, anything heavier than worsted weight

15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?
Shawls, sweaters

16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?

17. What are you knitting right now?
A hat for my husband
A dog sweater
A shawl

18. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?

19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles?
Circular. I mostly use Denise, but just discovered the wonderfulness that is Addi

20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
Not a fan of bamboo...I knit too tightly and fight the stitches easy enough on plastic and aluminum, although the aluminums are the easiest for me to use so far

21. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
Yes and yes. Can't live without 'em!

22. How did you learn to knit?

23. How old is your oldest UFO?
Ummmm, two years

24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?
Butters from South Park; stingrays

25. What is your favorite holiday?

26. Is there anything that you collect?
Picture frames and cookbooks

27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
Interweave Knits, Knitter's, Vogue Knitting. Just cancelled FCEK when they changed to KnitSimple

28. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on?
Any knitting books that are on my Amazon list. I would really like a book on mittens with a yarn sampler from KnitPicks. Would also like stitchmarkers from here...I like the Blue (ceramic) Dolphins and the fimo assortment

29. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
Fair Isle

30. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
I have made socks before, and probably will again (so I guess that would be yes). I wear a size 8 1/2 shoe (9 1/4" long)

31. When is your birthday? (mm/dd)
August 8th

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Last night, somehow, I bruised my right hand. On the palm. ??? The color is going away, but it still hurts like hell, and I can't close my hand all the way into a fist...so I had to cancel all my appointments today (four clients, three hours' worth of $$. Double ow). Now I have a free day, and I can't even freaking knit! I am so psyched to get knitting again, too.

Instead, I will be playing with my Palm (not the one mentioned above, but my Palm Pilot). The book Brad gave me for Christmas is so great! I've already learned so much about the applications, and am getting ready to start installing more programs. I found a knitting program that is very cool, called KnitAble. Another program I'm looking at is Weight Watchers On-The-Go, which will allow me to keep track of my points as well as look up points values of food when I'm out and about without needing to carry the books everywhere with me.

Yes, I'm on the Weight Watchers program again. I really need to lose weight (and I have been losing some weight from my GD--7 pounds in the past three months--which is a bonus until my meds kick in fully), and this is as good a time as any to start. It's kind of scary to put the actual poundage amount in black and white, but.....70 pounds. That's the amount (give or take a few) I need to lose. I'm going to keep y'all up to date on my progress, because it'll make me more accountable. In other words, help! Just a small note of encouragement here or there will really help me. Thanks in advance.

And the last bit of news to share...my Mom's in the hospital. Yesterday morning she was jaundice and fatigued, so she went to the emergency room. They called her doctors in Peoria (she's part of a test study of a new drug for her ITP), and they had her sent by ambulance down there (3 hours' away) last night. They want to treat her themselves, which I think is good. The problem, it seems, is the medication is boosting her platelet levels, almost up to normal levels, but decreasing her red blood cell count. So her body isn't getting enough oxygen. Hopefully the doctors will be able to get her RBC count up to normal without compromising the improvement with her platelets.